Is Microsoft Hyping a Big Announcement at GDC?

As we announced this morning, Microsoft will be holding a keynote at next month’s Game Developer’s Conference
concerning the development of games on the Xbox 360…but according to Wired who got an email from Microsoft concerning the keynote, are they going to be announcing something big? Apparently so, although if it’s a new game, new features for Xbox Live or EVEN…a sort of Playstation Home for Xbox 360? Who knows but thats whats going on at the rumor mill.

If it is indeed a service similar to Playstation Home, you can bet your arse that Phil Harrison wont be pleased about it as he is apparently giving the second keynote of the conference is apparently going to be based on Playstation Home. But like we said, we dont know who is doing that keynote or infact dont know what Microsoft are planning but one thing’s certain…it’ll be known next month when GDC takes place in San Francisco between February 18th-22nd.

Microsoft Plans Big Announcement in GDC Keynote [Wired