Downtime Over…With No Change…Here’s Why

Okay…you may have noticed that in the week we’ve been down…nothing has happened. Well, let me explain.

Our new layout was meant to be done by my friend Kazz from Ubisoft but she hasn’t been seen on MSN and therefore havent been able to ask her about it (Most particular probably because she maybe taking a break after the Ubidays event) therefore making this downtime pointless and therefore I apologise.

However, some other pretty big developments have come up as well that we cant exactly tell you about (YET!) but all will be revealed in good time.

And of course, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will be out Next Thursday worldwide and I’ll be getting pics from the midnight launch which could be happening on Wednesday, this is still to be confirmed. And as I’m the dieheard Metal Gear Solid fan who finished MGS3: Snake Eater the day after it was released, you can expect a review of the game Next Friday roughly around between 9am and 3pm as I should have it completed by then, Metal Gear Online will also be reviewed as part of it so look out for that.

And what that paragraph means is that I finally got my internet back and therefore, can try Metal Gear Online…it was such a shame I missed the beta =(

And also, we’ve decided to stay on Blogger now till the end of the year at least but we will continue to develop the new verison of Gamzsone V3 on WordPress as the year presses on.

Now we maybe back but dont expect any more posts from 12pm this afternoon until late Saturday/Sunday as I’ll be away in Dublin staying with my cousin while I see Radiohead tomorrow. But if he has a computer (That I dont know shockingly), I will try and get on and post while I can but dnt hold your breath…otherwise you’ll suffocate.

And yes, if I can get pics of Radiohead, I’ll post them but only over at the Members Blog, Okay?