More FW 2.40 Info Coming at 4pm?

According to Joystiq, NEOGaf and TheSixthAxis, we can expect more info on Firmware 2,40 at 8am East Coast time (Thats New York time basiclly), 5am Pacfic (California) and 4pm BST (Thats…Derry time…joy) including the 2nd part of the Firmware walkthrough.

And according to some, this could be pointer for a release on Thursday of 2.40 which could give Sony a big boost ahead of E3. And some even claming that it could go up as early as midnight east coast time which would be 5am BST.

However, there are rumors stating while most games will be supportable with it, not all games will be supporting 2.40…at least for now.

Source 1 [Joystiq]
Source 2 [NEOGaf]
Source 3 [NEOGaf]