Grand Theft Auto IV Gets First DLC + Trophies for PS3 Coming on Monday

Rockstar has announced the first DLC of Grand Theft Auto IV is coming and in some cases, it already is.

And you may be astonished to hear that the DLC coming is NOT the exclusive first episode coming to the Xbox 360 verison. Instead, it’s a multiplayer skin which sees you turn into a – wait for it – zombie.

No, I aint shitting you.

I’ll let the press release do the talking after the jump, along with a trophies patch for the PS3 verison.

Attention Citizens,

There is a virus sweeping through Grand Theft Auto IV turning many unsuspecting players into Zombies. If you’ve seen the special Zombie-with-yellow-briefs player skin running around during Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer, then you may already know that the virus can be contracted in any and all multiplayer modes and is spread when an unsuspecting player kills someone who has the infection (BE ADVISED: The infected DON’T necessarily have to be wearing the Zombie skin, some show NO SYMPTOMS!). The signes of infection are:

- Access to the zombie skin
- having the Achievement “Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie”.

With the all-new Viral Infection feature at the Rockstar Social Club, members can now see whether they are currently infected, the number of total global infections and the number of infectinos in the last 24 hours. Digging deeper, Social Club members can also browse a color-coded world map tracking the spread of the infection worldwide, including breakdown for all 50 US States.

Registered members of the Social Club with a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV linked to their account can click here to check it out.

The rest of you: register here now.

As well as that, the rumors are now all that, the rumors are now indeed confirmed, the PS Blog has announced that trophies for the PS3 verison of GTA IV will be coming online via a patch this Monday (October 27th to me and you).

Looks like I’ll be back in Liberty City again so soon after leaving it for Fable II and Far Cry 2.

Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 Trophies this Monday [PS Blog]
GTA IV Players Get Infected by Zombies in New DLC [GamePlasma]