GDC 2009: Kojima All But Announces Metal Gear Solid 5


Near the end of his GDC keynote earlier, Hideo Kojima gave the biggest hint yet that his next project wasnt Zone of the Enders 3 and was, infact, Metal Gear Solid 5. During the keynote, he presented what styles of development were used for previous Metal Gear Solid’s like camo for Metal Gear Solid 3 or harnassing the power of the PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4.

But right at the end, he showed a slide which was titled “The Next MGS”. For development of that, he said he wanted to combine the use of JApanese and Western development styles with Japanese development techinques been led on design while the Western front was all about software, a prime use of that would be open worlded games like Grand Theft Auto.

However, just as we though he was leading up to an announcement and a change of heart following yesterday, nope. Kojima walked off stage and showed nothing meaning we have to wait now until E3 before an announcement is made on Koj’s next game, be that MGS5 or anything else (plz fo Zone of teh Enderz 3 plzkthz<3ubi).

So, how long till E3?

Nearly 2 months?

Fuck. Its gonna be a long wait.